Monday, November 24, 2008


I guess this an essential part of flying a glider cross country, there is always a chance that you will run out of lift and height and not be able to get to an airfield. A suitable farmers paddock, or similar length of flattish ground has to be found and used as a landing strip. Unlike an airfield, this one will be invarably small and with minimal under or overshoot options. The circuit has to be planned and flown accurately so you get over the near fence but do not plow through the far fence, both are bad for the health.

With weather threatening to rain, a brisk 15 knots on the ground and 25knots aloft and low cloud, not a task day but OK for some airfield based practice. Today's exercise had us landing across Matamata's main runway 28. This gives around 180 metres fence to fence. My first shot was from the back of Trevor Terry's Duo Discus. First time I have flown a Discus and from the back seat to boot, with a 25 knot wind up high and about 15 on the ground. Funny how a whole airfield throws out the perspective and I started way to wide. A quick adjustment and got to where I needed to be flew a base and finals to a good landing. All right. After letting the rest have a shot in the twins it was time to roll out the Libelle and do one by myself. Positioned nice and close giving plenty of options as to where I turned base to finals and a half airbrake approach to a good touchdown and stop in plenty of time. WOOHOO.

So far so good

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Sounds like a fantastic opportunity Graham. Hope it stretches you!